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Hey, today we open our new column: "all about rap", we hope that we'll bring you (rap fans) all the relevant and actual info about rap also we'll cover the mainstream of hip-hop culture from all over the world and from Israel too.


In our first addition we'll cover the short history of rap to get you (rap fans) in the mood. Like we all know (at least many of us) that rap first appeared in America but I?m sure that the majority of rap fans don?t know some of the foundation facts about rap. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine the slavery years of the black people in the south part of North America the. The first association about those years is black people working in the fields while they are singing spiritual song. The point of the songs was to keep the moral and the spirit despite the fact that they were slaves, also they used the song like secret massages to help the run away slaves.


  As the years past by in your mind you skip to the 20th century when the black people got their freedom and immigrated to the north to the industrial centers like Chicago and N.Y. where they hoped to find a job and a place to live in, but the government and the society made this dream to a racial discriminational projects Gatos life (more about it at "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning and to suffer", and this means apparently to find a way to "express themselves" in violent hostile reality, to do so the young brothers gathered in gangs. And naturally many conflicts appeared between the gangs, to solve those conflicts without showing or fighting, for this purpose they invented vary popular game, the game was in two rounds: in the first round there was B-boy composition (don't know the word? in second round each gang chose the champion of cursing. The winner of that round was that who cursed the opponent faster and better, the judges were selected from a neutral gang.


 The concept rap was taken from an F-word for cursing from the second round of that game. MCs took rap and combined it with base line. This is how the first rapping music was created; afterwards there were added scratches and other instruments to the base line. Quite frankly this is rap music like we know it today.                               

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